The officials volleyball crew include R1, R2, scorer, libero tracker, and line judges.
Volleyball Referee (R1)
The first referee carries out his or her responsibilities from a position standing located at the opposite end of the net from the scorekeeper’s table.
It’s recommended that the first referee remain on the stand during the entire match except for a protest, for personal reasons, or to handle a scorekeeping difficulty that the second referee is unable to resolve.
The first referee directs the match from the first moment arriving to the court until the end of the match.
First referee duties include…
- Having authority over all team members.
- Having final authority over all decisions including those that don’t specifically address the rules.
- Having authority over other officials of volleyball and overruling other officials if certain they made an incorrect decision.
- Replacing an official that isn’t performing functions properly.
First referee responsibilities before the match include…
- Examine the ball that will be used for the match.
- Inspect the net, playing area, and other equipment to ensure they meet specifications.
- Conduct the coin toss and meeting of referees and team representatives.
- Control the warm up conduct of teams.
- Establish ground rules as needed.

Second Referee (R2)
The second referee takes position facing the first referee on the opposite side of the court.
Should the first referee be indisposed, the second referee assumes the responsibilities and duties of the first referee.
Second Referee Administering a Substitution
Second referee responsibilities before the match include…
- Ensure the names of the officials of volleyball appear on the first set score sheet.
- Ensure the coaches have line up sheets at least 10 minutes before the end of each team’s timed warm up periods. The second referee collects the line up sheets from each team at the 3 minute mark on the clock timing the pre-match warm ups and submits them to the scorekeeper.
Officials Volleyball Scorer (Scorekeeper)
The scorekeeper and assistant scorekeeper are seated at the scorekeeper’s table, positioned on the side of the court opposite the first referee and behind the second referee.
note: Don’t forget your officials volleyball gear.
Scorekeeper responsibilities…
The scorekeeper is in charge of the score sheet throughout the match, in cooperation with the second referee. The assistant scorekeeper is responsible for tracking the libero player’s entries and aiding the scorekeeper.
Officials Volleyball Line Judges
During play, the line judges are positioned as follows…
- When using two line judges, they stand diagonally opposite each other at the ends of the court. One line judge is positioned at the intersection of the sideline and end line to the first referee’s right. The other line judge is at the intersection of the sideline and end line to the second referee’s right. Each line judge controls an end line and entire side line.
- The line judges should move from the above positions to avoid interference with players playing the ball or to better observe a ball crossing the net clearing the antenna.
- During timeouts, line judges stand near the intersection of the sideline and attack line on the side of the first referee.
Officials Volleyball Ball Crew
Some teams will have a ball crew (ball shaggers) that manage the game balls during play.
The purpose of the ball crew is to help keep the game flowing smoothly. Not having to wait for players to retrieve volleyballs can help speed up the game. Also, sometimes the ball will get wet. The ball crew dries off the balls with a towel, providing a dry ball for the next play.
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